Service Dog Progression Training Programs

Empowering Lives:

Life-Changing Service Dog Training Programs

From Medical Alerting to Task Training and Deep Pressure Techniques, we help you Unleash Independence and give you, our Support.

Health Monitoring and Alerting

Detect specific health issues.

Alerting to low blood sugar, impending seizures, migraines or other critical situations, these dogs provide a lifeline.


and Mobility

Assistance with daily tasks, such as opening doors, retrieving items, and providing balance support.

Move freely and confidently, even in crowded public spaces,

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Interrupt nervous tendencies and provide a calming presence during panic attacks.

The relief of having a loyal companion who understands your needs is invaluable.

How Deep Pressure and Tactile Stimulation Can Help

These techniques benefit people with various conditions, including:


Applying deep pressure can alleviate anxiety.


Tactile stimulation helps engage individuals who may otherwise feel detached.


Tactile cues can ground individuals experiencing dissociation.


Focused touch aids concentration.


Deep pressure provides comfort during distressing moments.


Tactile stimulation brings back awareness and reduces recovery time.

🐾Navigating Service Dog Laws:

Are You Baffled by the Rules and Requirements? 🐾

Whether you’re a dog lover, someone with a disability, or simply curious, understanding service dog laws can be a maze. Let’s unravel the leash and explore what it truly means to have a four-legged partner by your side! 🌟🐕‍🦺

What a Service Dog Task Is:

Purposeful Assistance:

A service dog task is a specific action or behavior that directly assists an individual with a disability. It is purposefully trained to mitigate the effects of the handler’s condition.


A service dog task must be associated with the handler’s disability. It addresses specific challenges related to that disability, enhancing the handler’s independence and well-being.

Trained and Reliable:

A service dog task is not a natural behavior; it is intentionally taught. These tasks are reliable, consistent, and performed on cue.

Qualifies for Public Access:

To qualify as a service dog task, it must meet the criteria set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This ensures the handler’s rights to public access.

What a Service Dog Task Isn’t:

Comfort Alone:

Petting your dog provides comfort and reduces stress, but it doesn’t qualify as a trained task. Comforting behaviors, like stroking from head to tail, are not sufficient.

Natural Responses:

Natural behaviors, such as a dog’s innate ability to lower blood pressure, do not meet the requirements of a trained task. They are beneficial but not intentionally trained actions.

Random or Unpredictable:

A service dog task is deliberate and predictable. Random behaviors, even if comforting, don’t fulfill the criteria.

Generic Pet Behavior:

While feeling comforted by your dog is wonderful, it doesn’t fall under the category of a service dog task.

However, applying deep pressure intentionally to alleviate anxiety does qualify.

Remember, service dogs are remarkable companions trained to make a tangible difference in the lives of their handlers. Their tasks empower individuals with disabilities, providing both practical assistance and emotional support. 🐾🌟

“Pawsitive Support: How We Can Help with Service Dogs”

Training Guidance:

We offer guidance on service dog training techniques, from basic commands to specialized tasks.

Access Rights:

Learn about legal rights and access privileges for service dog handlers in various settings.

Advocacy and Support:

We are here to offer support and advocate for you as you mitigate the world of public access and transportation services.

Emotional Well-Being:

Discover ways service dogs provide emotional support, reducing anxiety and stress.

Task-Specific Training:

Explore specific tasks service dogs can perform, such as retrieving items or alerting to medical conditions.

Choosing the Right Breeder:

We’ll guide you in selecting a breed that suits your needs and lifestyle and a breeder who stacks the odds for your success.

Choosing the Right Dog:

Whether evaluating a rescue dog or temperament testing puppies, we are here to assist in choosing the right dog to meet your goals.

Public Etiquette:

Tips for interacting respectfully with the public as a service dog handler.

Smooth Travels:

Navigating public transportation, airports and flights with your service dog.

ACE Certification:

Upon passing our Public Access and Service Dog Tasking Tests, we will provide written documentation stating your completion of our Service Dog program, that your dog meets the criteria as defined by the ADA for a Service Dog with full public access rights.

Remember, these remarkable companions are more than furry friends—they’re lifelines! 🐾🌟

How Medical Alert Dogs Make a Difference

Early Detection and Intervention:

Diabetic alert dogs can sense blood sugar fluctuations before symptoms occur. Early alerts allow individuals to take necessary actions, preventing dangerous highs or lows.

Other Conditions:

Alert individuals to migraines, seizures, Crohn’s disease, and other physiological changes, enabling necessary precautions.

Independence and Confidence:

These dogs provide assistance with daily tasks, such as retrieving items or opening doors. Handlers gain independence, relying less on others for support.

Emotional Support and Companionship:

The presence of a loyal service dog reduces feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Their companionship provides comfort during challenging moments.

Reduced Healthcare Costs:

Fewer emergency calls and hospital visits due to timely alerts. Improved management of health conditions leads to cost savings.

Improved Mental Well-Being:

Knowing they have a vigilant companion boosts mental resilience.

Reduced stress and anxiety contribute to overall well-being.


How Service Dogs Assist Individuals with PTSD

Alerting to Sounds:

Service dogs can detect alarms, approaching people, or other auditory cues, providing a sense of safety and reducing hypervigilance.

Nightmare Interruption:

These dogs wake their handlers from distressing nightmares, offering comfort and grounding.

Migraine Distraction:

Applying pressure and warmth can distract from migraines, easing discomfort.

Self-Harm Prevention:

Nudging or pawing interrupts harmful behaviors, promoting self-care.

Anxiety Calming:

Placing paws on shoulders or across legs during anxiety attacks provides soothing pressure.

Deep Pressure Application:

Draping across the chest or lap helps alleviate anxiety and panic.

Cue Recognition:

Nuzzling hands at the start of anxiety cues redirects focus and provides reassurance.

Security Checks:

Service dogs check the perimeter of the house and rooms, enhancing safety.

Crowd Comfort:

Physical contact while walking through crowds reduces anxiety.


“Miracle Workers: Andrea and Trina Transform Lives with Service Dog Training!”

Pamela and Hero

Happy Customer

A Canine Experience

is committed to building strong bonds with both dogs and their owners.

Positive Training Approach:

They avoid harsh punishments and focus on positive reinforcement. Trust is built through consistent, gentle guidance rather than fear-based methods.

Effective Communication:

A Canine Experience understands canine body language, vocalizations, and reactions. This enables clear communication and mutual understanding between dogs and humans.

Safety and Security:

Dogs that trust their handlers feel safe and secure. A Canine Experience prioritizes creating a safe environment for both dogs and owners.

Expertise and Experience:

With their knowledge and experience, they tailor training to individual needs. Trust is established through reliable guidance and consistent interactions.

Remember, trust is the foundation of a strong human-dog partnership.

A Canine Experience prioritizes this trust to empower lives through well-trained service dogs. 🐾❤️

Considering a Service Dog and Not Sure Where to Start?

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...


Complete this form to inquire about training a service dog with the assistance of A Canine Experience.



Complete this application for the Puppy Pathfinder Program if you are seeking assistance researching breeders and evaluating puppies or rescue dogs for service work.


Complete this Behavioral Evaluation Questionnaire if you have a dog who you are considering training as your Service Dog.


With a history dating back to 1995,

A Canine Experience has established themselves as a trusted name in the Service Dog training industry.

A Canine Experience, located in Snohomish, Washington, has a rich history and is a multi-generational family establishment.

Let me introduce you to the remarkable individuals behind this canine haven:

Nancy Baer: Founder:

Nancy Baer established A Canine Experience in 1995.

Experience: With over 35 years of dog training expertise, Nancy has been a guiding force in shaping the facility’s philosophy and programs.

Legacy: Her passion for dogs and commitment to their well-being have left an indelible mark on A Canine Experience.

Andrea Kelley: Co-Owner:

Andrea, Nancy’s daughter, is an integral part of the team.

Professional Training: She has been training dogs professionally for over 25 years and brings a wealth of experience to the table.

4-H Background: Andrea’s involvement in 4-H further enriched her understanding of dog behavior and training

Autumn Baer: Co-Owner:

Autumn, Nancy’s granddaughter, is the third generation involved in A Canine Experience.

Early Start: She embarked on her dog training career during her teenage years.

Continuing the Legacy: Autumn contributes fresh perspectives and a deep love for dogs, ensuring that A Canine Experience remains a nurturing environment for both pets and their owners.

Trina Eddy: Co-Owner:

Nancy's oldest daughter and Autumns mother has been involved in training dogs since the mid 80's.

Role: Trina is an essential part of the A Canine Experience team providing leadership and public education.

Expertise: With years of experience in dog training, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the facility.

Passion: Trina’s love for animals and dedication to their well-being align perfectly with the core values of A Canine Experience.

Jessica Baer: Co-Owner:

Nancy's middle daughter involved in dog 4-H from a young age and ACE boarding manager.

Role: Jessica, another member of the Baer family, actively contributes to the business both caring for and training the dogs.

Background: Growing up in a family deeply involved in dog training, Jessica has imbibed the principles of A Canine Experience from an early age.

Commitment: Her commitment to providing top-notch care and training for dogs ensures that A Canine Experience remains a trusted resource for pet owners in the Snohomish area.

Together, these individuals form a cohesive team at A Canine Experience, dedicated to fostering positive relationships between humans and their furry companions.

Their commitment to educating dog owners sets them apart.

A Canine Experience Inc has been serving the Snohomish community since 1995. They offer a range of services for dogs including boarding, day training, and service dog training.

Their commitment to providing quality care and training for pets has made them a reliable choice for pet owners in the area.

Key highlights of A Canine Experience:

Dog Training Programs: They provide comprehensive dog training programs, including tips, communication strategies, and guidance for being an inspiring leader to your furry companion.

Lead or Be Led 2.0: Their home guide for dog owners covers essential household skills and early development, along with insights into acquiring a puppy.

Service Dog Training: In addition to regular dog training services, they offer specialized training for medical alert and response dogs, mobility, and many other service dog tasks.

A Canine Experience Inc stands out from its competitors due to several key factors:

Longevity and Experience: Their extensive experience and commitment to continuing education allows them to provide top-notch services.

Comprehensive Training Programs: A Canine Experience offers tailored dog training programs that cover various aspects of pet behavior, communication, and obedience.

Specialized Services: They go beyond basic training and boarding. For example, their Diabetes Alert Training program is unique and caters to specific needs. This specialization demonstrates their dedication to addressing diverse requirements.

Positive Reviews and Reputation: A strong online presence and positive reviews from satisfied clients contribute to their credibility. Word-of-mouth recommendations also play a significant role in setting them apart.

Holistic Approach: A Canine Experience focuses not only on training but also on overall well-being. They emphasize a holistic approach that considers physical health, mental stimulation, and emotional bonding.

“Tail-Wagging Success:

A Canine Experience Delivers Top-Notch Training and Unbeatable Satisfaction!” 🐾🌟

A Canine Experience is the best place. My dogs and I are absolutely 100% satisfied when training there and taking the training home.

The trainers take it step by step and are the most helpful in every way possible.

I went through obedience training and ATM4K9s and now going through CGC testing to get my male to be registered as a service dog.

I wouldn’t go anywhere else.

All of employees at A Canine Experience are wonderful and I am grateful to receive training from them!!

Sincerely Josie Griffis

Happy Student

The Service Dog Progression Training Program offered by A Canine Experience in Snohomish, Washington, is a transformative journey that empowers individuals with disabilities through the power of well-trained service dogs.

How Seizure Dogs Make a Difference

Emergency Button Response:

Trained dogs can push an emergency button when their owner is down and displaying rapid movements during a seizure.

Phone Retrieval:

These dogs locate and retrieve a phone, allowing the handler to call for help.

Assistance Alert:

By barking, they seek out assistance or alert others to the situation.

Protective Positioning:

Dogs lie under the head to shield it from hitting objects during a seizure.

Deep Pressure Therapy:

Applying pressure provides comfort and stability.

Tactile Stimulation:

Licking helps bring back awareness and decreases recovery time.

Post-Seizure Support:

They brace or balance for stability after the seizure ends.

Medication Retrieval:

Dogs fetch necessary medications.

Epileptic Seizure Alert:

Trained to recognize and alert to the onset of epileptic seizures.

Remember, these remarkable dogs are not just trained; they become devoted companions, safeguarding their handlers’ well-being. 🐾❤️

How Anxiety Assistance Dogs Make a Difference

Behavior Interruption:

Trained dogs alert and interrupt anxious behaviors, such as leg jiggling, hair pulling, body picking, heavy breathing, and nail biting.

Deep Pressure Therapy:

Applying pressure provides comfort and grounding during anxiety episodes.

Tactile Stimulation:

Calming touch helps soothe and reduce stress.

Awareness Stimulation:

Dogs signal the onset of anxiety, allowing proactive coping.

Comfort and Assistance:

They offer emotional support during anxious moments.

Medication Retrieval:

These dogs can fetch medications or a phone when needed.

These remarkable companions alleviate anxiety and enhance well-being.

🐾❤️ 🐾❤️

How Mobility Assistance Dogs Make a Difference

Brace and Support:

These dogs serve as a sturdy brace, helping their handlers maintain stability.

Balance Assistance:

Trained to assist with balance, preventing falls.

Pulling Up:

They pull to help their owners stand up from sitting or lying positions.

Door Handling:

Dogs hold doors open, ensuring smooth passage.

Retrieving Dropped Items:

These remarkable companions retrieve dropped objects, keys, or other necessities.

Turning Lights On and Off:

They can also operate light switches, enhancing accessibility.

Other Customized Tasks:

Tailored to meet individual needs.

These remarkable companions enhance mobility and independence. 🐾❤️

3-Ways to Get Started

Schedule a Behavioral Evaluation for Your Existing Dog

Free Puppy Socialization and Desensitization Worksheet

Proper puppy socializing is crucial. It is important that you can properly read and understand your puppies body language in different situation. Never force a puppy into a situation it is not comfortable with. Let your puppy choose if they want to approach a person or item. When encountering a new situation use the chart to score their reaction. We want to keep track of confidence level and where they might need improvements.

How Service Dogs Assist Households with Autistic Family Members

Alarm Response:

Trained dogs touch the owner, remove blankets, and turn on lights in response to alarms.

Medication Reminders:

They lead to alarms set for pill dispensers or kitchen timers.

Emergency Evacuation:

Alerting to smoke alarms and leading the handler out of the building.

Pre-Exit Assistance:

Fetching keys, wallets, or lists before leaving.

Name Recognition:

Alerting to the sound of the handler’s name.

Sound Awareness:

Responding to phone rings and doorbells.

Sound Localization:

Leading to the source of a sound.

Behavioral Support:

Signaling during stimming, especially if harmful.

Assistance Within Home:

Finding family members for help.

Communication Aid:

Carrying notes to household members.

Crowd Navigation:

Leading through crowded spaces.

Comfort and Pressure:

Applying pressure through draping or leaning.

Social Interaction:

Inspiring conversation or providing an excuse to escape.

Transitional Support:

Serving as a transitional object.

Safety Tether:

Preventing wandering by acting as a tether.

These remarkable dogs enhance daily life for families touched by autism. 🐾❤️

From Puppy to DAD Dog:

A Canine Experience Delivers

Outstanding Results

We found A Canine Experience while searching for someone to help with Diabetes Alert Dog Training for our puppy. This is such a great place!

The trainers really know what they’re doing, they adapt well to different dogs and their needs and are so hands on and helpful.

Trina has done an amazing job with our dog, she’s worked with her through behavioral concerns and has her well on her way to being a DAD dog.

We’ve also gone to group classes with different trainers as well who were fantastic.

Whatever type of dog training you need, check this place out first. It’s definitely worth it and you will see amazing results!

Amy Robinson

Happy Customer

A Canine Experience Inc. 2024. |Terms|Privacy

All rights reserved.

18208 67th Ave SE, Snohomish, WA 98296


Serving Snohomish, Mill Creek, Bothell, Woodinville, Everett, Monroe, Brier, Edmonds, Kirkland, Bellevue, Redmond, Duvall, Granite Falls, Marysville, Lynnwood, Shoreline, Seattle, Mukilteo, Arlington, Smokey Point, Sultan and Gold Bar areas.